Nyasaye Ogwedhi Wuod Nyarkawino

Letter to my amazing son as he goes to college:

My child, my heart is overflowing with love and pride as I watch you prepare to embark on this new chapter in your life. As you leave home for college, I want to bless you with the wisdom and guidance that have been passed down for generations.

You have faced many challenges and overcome many obstacles to reach this point, but those experiences have taught you valuable lessons that will serve you well in the future. I don’t believe that life should a struggle…at least not anymore. Dance with the rhythm of the universe, attune yourself to the whispers of intuition and embrace the delightful surprises that unfold when you release your grip on control. In this state, life becomes a vibrant tapestry woven with grace, wonder, and moments of pure juok.

So, I advocate for a life of ease—a life where you trust, surrender, and allow the symphony of existence to guide you. Release the burden of struggle and embrace the path of most allowance, knowing that in doing so, you step into the river of divine flow, where your dreams manifest effortlessly and your soul finds profound fulfillment.

As you enter college, you will be faced with new opportunities and experiences that will help shape you into the person you were meant to be. Embrace them with open arms, but never forget the values that have been instilled in you since birth. Always remember the importance of family, respect, and kindness wrapped up in ubuntu.

You will be exposed to new ideas and perspectives, some of which may challenge your beliefs and values. Use these moments as opportunities to broaden your horizons and learn from others. Kila mutu is a teacher. Listen with an open heart and mind, and do not be afraid to ask questions or speak up for what you believe in. Sometimes the lesson is just that all you need you already have. Kumbuka your gut is always right in guaging beings; when it detects discomfort, adjust accordingly and let them find their space. NO relationship should be hard. EVERYone has a season. When their time is up, bless them as they find their space.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey. You have a community of people who love and support you, including your family, friends, and fellow students. Reach out to them when you need help or guidance, and offer your support to others when they need it. Just don’t “sacrifice”; when you sacrifice you offer mediocrity.

As you embark on this new journey, I want to remind you of the power of prayer. Stay connected to your faith and seek guidance from the divine. You will face a few bumps, but take those as indicators to shapeshift; like water, flow around the obstacles. NOTHING can stop you from reaching your best self.

My child, know that you are loved and blessed beyond measure. As you go forth into the world, remember the lessons of the past, embrace the opportunities of the present, and always look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

May the blessings of our ancestors be with you always. Go forth and be YOU.

Wuod NyarKawino, it’s such an honor to call you nyathina.



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